Site Area: 4,027 sq ft
Built Area: 2,416 sq ft (principal) / 450 sq ft (garage)
Builder: CMGT Construction Group
With its DNA firmly rooted in its sister dwelling--the C-House--the exterior façade of the Gator House needed to cater to the homeowners' desire for an articulated roof-line, unlike the flat roof of the C-House. Despite having gone through multiple iterations of the architectural shell during the early phases of the Gator House, one concept that really appealed to the homeowners was a hybrid of a pitched roof with a portion of flat roof - imagine, taking the C shape of the C-House and stretching it upwards and opening it up like an alligator mouth!

With the narrow side yards and the city's guarded building code for fire protection, the choice of exterior cladding for the Gator House sees much more use of the versatile aluminum composite metal (ACM) panels which provides the necessary non-combusitlble cladding material called for in the building code. Aside from that, much of the rest of the house harkens back to the West Cost contemporariness of large windows and wood siding. The wood siding on the Gator House is used sparingly but in right amounts at the appropriate locations where human interactions take place -- whether it's from the street level or at the front door, the stained Hemlock wood grains provides that extra bit of rawness of life and warmth to the street-facing facade of the Gator House.

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